Think chimpanzees only in themselves? Or are they also working for the well-being of fellow-citizens? Researchers have found new evidence that the primates can act selflessly - if the annoying relatives do not go to the alarm clock. Washington / Atlanta - Chimpanzees can act selflessly and help each other. But how often do they actually do that? Researchers argue about this question. New results suggest that the animals are more social and disinterested than previously thought. Researchers at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta had tested chimpanzees: the animals were able to choose between differently colored coins. One color only fed them food, the other color provided the food to both them as well as to a fellow-dog sitting in the side cage. "With a free choice between a selfish and a social decision, the chimpanzees overwhelmingly favored the one that also benefited their partner," the researchers repo...