Number 10. Matsutake Mushrooms. $1000. Matsutake is the most expensive mushroom in the world, and it is not readily available. This highly coveted mushroom can be found in Asia; North America; Europe; Japan; China; Korea; The United States; Canada; Finland and Sweden. It associated with the Japanese Red Pine, and it mainly found in Japan; from under fallen leaves on the forest floor. Therefore, it is extremely hard to find. Number 9. Westin Hotel Bagel. $1000. New York is well known for its luxurious hotels and also it is an expensive city of America. Executive Chef Frank Tujague for New York Westin Hotel; created one of the most expensive dishes in the world. Bagels is a circular baked bread; and decorated it with a small amount of white truffle cream, and goji berry infused Riesling jelly and golden leaves. Doughnuts will be the first name in your mind; when you see these. Number 8. The Zillion Dollar Frittata. $1000. Mostly; people like to eat omelets in Bre...